Thursday, 10 December 2009
Audit Commission Red Flags Tenbury
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Tenbury Wells Cattle Market Site
Thursday, 26 November 2009
Teme Street Bridge Destroyed.
Friday, 20 November 2009
Disappointment over Xmas Light Ceremony
For some reason the ceremony was running early, and many people who had seen the article in the local paper or looked at the Chamber of Trade website were disappointed to have arrived too late and had missed the ceremony. The advertised Carol Singing also didn't take place. I am told the juggler did perform, but had finished before the advertised start time.
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Red Hot Bills for the Regal

The new 36kw electric furnace heating system has now been installed in the Tenbury Regal, and is reported to be running 24 hours a day.
Further precept increases predicted
A rigerous examination of all the budgets will be carried out during 2009, with discussions to find the balance of "Service to the Town" with "Individual Costs"
The discussions will include deciding which if any of the services provided, especially if used by only a small minority should be run on a more commercial basis.
Complaints about the Civic Garden
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Tenbury Remembers
Whether this is because of the increasing death toll amongst the armed services in Afghanistan and Iraq, or some other reason I'm not sure.
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Top Marks for Tenbury
Monday, 2 November 2009
Applefest Discussion

Mail exchange in the slow lane

In this day and age when communication can be sent across the world and replied to in seconds, months have past, and still letters are slowly exchanged and still no work can be done.
Saturday, 31 October 2009
Skate Park Opened
Medals at the Library
Tenbury's young readers were presented with their reading medals today by Town Mayor Richard Jones.
Temperature rises at the Regal
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Town Council - No change on accounting method.
A rigerous examination of all the budgets will be carried out during 2009, with discussions to find the balance of "Service to the Town" with "Individual Costs"
The discussions will include deciding which if any of the services provided, especially if used by only a small minority should be run on a more commercial basis.
So far, this review has not started, and the Council have decided not to change the way they record and publish their accounts. The lack of accounting data will make the review very difficult to achieve.
Micawber's Principle, may be based upon his observation:
- "Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen pounds nineteen and six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery."
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Town Council Accounting Method
Council to hold more Secret meetings.
The Regal Cinema: HG-08-15553 CWM 2009 (2) 13DECISION: AWARD FIRST ROUND PASS OF £675,100 INCLUDING DEVELOPMENT GRANT OF £58,200 (84%)Tenbury Town Council sought a first round pass with development funding to restore and conserve the Regal Cinema in Tenbury. This Grade II listed Super Cinema, opened in 1937, was designed by specialist cinema architect Ernest Robert working for Clifton Cinemas. Three sides of the auditorium were decorated with a ‘trompe l’oeil’ by George Legge. The Cinema had been extensively used by the local community since the 1980s when a dedicated community centre was built to the rear of the building. The primary aim of the project was to keep the Cinema and community centre in use and secure their long term future.The Committee awarded a first round pass of £675,100 including a development grant of £58,200(84% of eligible costs).
Saturday, 10 October 2009
Dismay over Tenbury Advertiser Pictures
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Redevelopment of the Burgage
Sunday, 27 September 2009
The Stoke Bliss Agricultural Improvement Society Ploughing Match

Monday, 7 September 2009
£45K is not enough
New Landlord at the Kings Head
Silver Gilt for Tenbury

Tuesday, 1 September 2009
We need to break the logjam on funding for Tenbury
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Fountain Pub Reopens
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Tenbury Wells is a bad place for sandwiches
A recent vistors impression of Tenbury Wells
(Click) THE ROAD OF ENTITIES.. A Blogger called ride flame
Monday, 3 August 2009
Regal Heating - Update
It seems that the main problem is that the heating oil must now be stored outside, but no suitable storage facility is available. Although the rules on the storage of the oil changed some years ago, the system at the Regal was reinstalled after the flood.
At last some Councillors are asking, who had the duty of care, and how did this get missed.
The Council is now likely to face a £16K+ bill to provide a temporary solution to get heat back into the Regal and hope that a more permanent solution can be found when (if) the Regal is redeveloped.
Welcome to Tenbury - a walled town.
Sunday, 2 August 2009
Are 'shop-local' schemes enough
Saturday, 1 August 2009
Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud
Monday, 27 July 2009
Tenbury Show Special

The latest edition of the Teme Valley Times is now available from your local stockist. (Tenbury News, Library, Spar etc)
All the local news and information about the Tenbury Agricultural Show.
Saturday, 25 July 2009
New Civic Garden Open
Tenbury Advertiser
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
Tenbury dresses for Gold

Mean while the Tenbury in Bloom group held a coffee morning in the pavilion whilst the judges toured Tenbury.

Monday, 13 July 2009
Biomass Blight Lifted?
Advantage West Midlands have said
"Advantage West Midlands has completed a detailed update of its Corporate Plan for the Government and confirmed £1.1 billion worth of funding for projects that will balance support for businesses and communities during the recession with longer term plans to ensure the region is prepared for the economic upturn"
Hopefully this news when confirmed will allow Worcester County Council to go ahead with their delayed plan to resurface Teme Street. I would also hope that Malvern Hills District Council can now find a suitable partner to develop the Tenbury Business Park, now that the blight of the threatened Biomass Plant has been lifted.
Harriett Baldwin welcomes news that state subsidy of Tenbury biomass project at the business park has been dropped
Harriett Baldwin, Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for West Worcestershire today welcomed news that Advantage West Midlands has withdrawn funding from the plan to build a biomass project at Tenbury Business Park.
Advantage West Midlands had previously indicated that they would subsidise a biomass application from CJDay Associates with a subsidy of £965,000
Harriett Baldwin said, “I am delighted to learn that the current economic climate has led to a review of this project by the government's regional development agency. I have always maintained that the Tenbury Business Park was the wrong site for this facility.
I am supportive of small scale biomass projects like the 700 kilowatt wood fuel burner at Worcestershire County Hall, but I have always argued that the Tenbury business park location was ill-advised, as it is far from the grid and requires additional lorry movements through Tenbury.
Finally, Advantage West Midlands should give a higher priority to flood defences for Tenbury, as the economic heart of this wonderful market town lies on the flood plain.”
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Tourists visit Pump Rooms
This Tourist interest should not come as a surprise. Not so long ago (OK four years) Tenbury Town Council was lobbying Malvern Hills District Council (the then owners of the building) to open up the Pump Rooms on a regular basis for Tourists. (Newspaper article from 2005)
Five years ago Lee Robson, the then District's Head of Community and Economic Development said: "We want to create as many tourist attractions as possible in our area and the Pump Rooms is a main attraction in the north of the district. We are keen to work with anyone who can help us establish regular openings. (Newspaper article from 2004)
It has been estimated that with some publicity and sympathetic opening hours 10,000 people a year could come through the doors. Whilst it would be difficult to charge an entrance fee, there would be the opportunity to recoup some of the costs with associated sales.
The original restoration was funded on the condition that the building was open as a Tourist attraction with a Tourist Information Point.
A promotion/publicity campaign, with a proper leaflet, and professionally staffed openings and tours/talks, would cost about £2,500 a year, possibly less if some volunteer labour was utilised.
Whilst any expenditure would put a strain on the Town Council's budget, grants of £20,000+ were found for an Arts Trail in Tenbury,
Art Sculpture part of the £20,000 Art Trail
and £30,000 for a Civic garden, neither of which are a major attraction, but do contribute to the Tourist offer.
£30,000 Civic Garden Under Construction
Even in these difficult financial times there is money to be made from tourism, and what Tenbury seems to lack is a co-ordinated approach to making the best use of its architectural heritage.
Tenbury is a fantastic town, with varied and interesting architecture, and with nearly 100% independant shops, is a virtually unique tourist attraction. There are problems, as with any town, and in places the public domain is in need of regeneration, but on the whole, it should be a mecca for Tourists to while away an hour or three.
Festivals and special events are great at bringing people to Tenbury, but everyday facilities are always going to be far better at helping long term economic prosperity.
The Town Council has received offers to help staff the opening, and the Lottery grant will help to smarten up and open up the Regal, another of Tenbury's unique architectural gems.
The Regal, Entertainments and Pump Rooms Committee of the Town Council will be discussing this matter on Monday July 13th. (7pm in the Pump Rooms)
No Wheelie Bins for Tenbury

Tenbury Wells will not be getting Wheelie Bins for the foreseeable future.
Sorry saga of Market Street toilets continued.
Toilet site (click) the story so far.
The reconstruction of the 'unlucky' Market Street toilets has run into more problems.
Across the country, over 230,000 people need Changing Places toilets - with a changing bench, hoist, and space for a wheelchair and two carers. Without them, carers are often forced to change their family members on dirty toilet floors. This is unhygienic, degrading and undignified.
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Double Act for Tenbury
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Paul Daniels recommends Tenbury.
we went up to Tenbury to do the old Regal Theatre there. If ever you find yourself with time to spare, take a drive along the M5 and turn off for Tenbury. That has got to be the prettiest countryside you will ever see in the UK. Amazing. Pop into the theatre too, and slip back in time.
Monday, 22 June 2009
New Chair calls for review
(Update 6/7/09 : The Council voted against spending £325 on a wedding advert. The cost of hiring the Pump Rooms for a Civil Ceremony is approx. £20)
HSE Condem Heating System
Although there has been no official confirmation from Tenbury Town Council, it appears that following a snap inspection by Health & Safety Inspectors, the Heating system in the Regal Theatre has been condemned as unsafe.
New Leader of MHDC

Friday, 19 June 2009
County Elections - Results
Candidate Name | Political Party | Number of Votes | Percentage of Votes |
Ken POLLOCK | Conservative | 1771 | 43.92% |
Clifford Michael SLADE | Liberal Democrat | 1413 | 35.04% |
Brian MILLS | UK Independence Party | 461 | 11.43% |
Matthew Adam WILLIAMS | Green Party | 211 | 5.23% |
Jonathan Pryce MORGAN | Independent | 176 | 4.37% |
Monday, 1 June 2009
Heated exchanges in high temperature chamber.
Annual Achievement Award 2009

Saturday, 30 May 2009
Watch out for squibs

In order to make the Town Council "more dynamic" it was agreed that the committee structure should be re-organised.
The previously agreed changes:
- Councillors would only be allowed to sit on 2 committees. (Except CEST)
- They could apply to sit on a committee if they had relevant knowledge and experience.
- In the event that some committees were over-subscribed Councillors may not get their first or second choice. The Mayor would make the final decision of who sat on each committee.
- The size of the committees would be reduced so that they did not hold a majority. (i.e. If the Council has 12 members each committee would have 5 or less)
So next Monday the Council will re assess the structural changes and vote whether to change standing order 36a so that the majority of Councillors have to object before a motion can be struck down.
I guess the reason the bar was originally set so low was to allow Councillors who may have felt "railroaded" or have changed their mind because they were misled or additional information came to light after the vote. Also frequently one or more Councillors are absent from the main meeting.
Posh Supermarket for Tenbury Wells
Wild drinks: the hedgerow martini
He has plans to develop anti-ageing skin creams – made from, yes, you’ve guessed it, potatoes – in the spirit of the original Body Shop. He also wants to open a country-house hotel, and has already bought some land on which to build a posh supermarket in nearby Tenbury Wells.