Although they have stood for a hundred years and were completely undamaged by the recent floods, they were no match for the might of Malvern Hills District Council.
Ivor Pumfrey, Head of Environmental Services, variously commented that they were too heavy to lift (wrong) they were too damaged to save (wrong) and that they had a structural engineers report that said the only option was to demolish. This document is not yet in the public domain and I wonder how independent it is.
Demolition started early this morning, there was no prior announcement to stop public protest.
Many people watching the demolition (once news got out) were very annoyed about this obscene wanton destruction of a much loved Tenbury Landmark.
Interestingly the Police used "Crime Scene - Do Not Enter" tape to cordon off the demolition area. Very appropriate!
At least the Toilets are putting up a fight. They thought they would be finished by now, but they seem to have hit a problem, although they are not saying what
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