The very comprehensive document was generally well received, but recommendations such as removing Parking from one side of Teme Street, and introducing restricted times for parking on the other, are I believe ill conceived, especially as the Parking has only just been reviewed and additional spaces introduced.
Anyone who wishes to read and comment on the document needs to act fast as the 'CONsultation' clock is ticking. If you don't express an opinion against a suggestion, you will be deemed to have agreed with it.
Whether one (week) day access to the Consultants or a Public Meeting held at 5.30pm whilst many people are still working or travelling home is proper consultation is questionable.
It is wonderful to read of someone so passionate.
The consultation document is not on the Council website. The consultation period should start once the document is on the website. People need to read the document to be able to comment on it. To claim there is a 'consultation' period, but to withold the document, is not democracy.
Do the businesses know that the document appears to suggest closing off the Royal Oak car park, the Bridge Hotel car park, the Cattle Market car park, the Phaze Computers car park, and banning parking on one side of Teme Street, and demolishing Pizza Diann and the betting shop? I guess not!
What about the spar supermarket this is joined to the pizza diann
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