A view of local events & news from Tenbury Wells - Since 2007
In terms of the outreach programme the mobile office undertakes the week numbers are calculated using the monday as the first day, where the monday falls in the previous month the first week of the month will be the first full week of the new month, in this case week commencing 6.4.09, therefore the mobile office is due in Tenbury week commencing 27.4.09.
However, as I am sure you will appreciate, the current economic climate has had an impact on the availability of the mobile office, we are increasingly being called into service to deal with large scale redundancies and companies undertaking short time working, in these instances, as has always been the case, the outreach programme will be suspended, often at very short notice, and priority given to the needs of these customers
The Regal and Entertainments Committee
(MAX. 8 MEMBERS) meet every four to six weeks.
The Parks and Cemetery Committee
(MAX. 7 MEMBERS) meet every four to six weeks.
Website and Communications Committee
(MAX. 7 MEMBERS) meet around every four to six weeks
The Planning Committee
(MAX. 8 MEMBERS) meet every third Monday in the month or sometimes twice monthly if necessary.
Finance and Staffing Group
Community Emergency Support Team (No Max)
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