1st Tenbury Scouts Duck race was held this morning from the Crow bridge to Palmers Meadow. Low water meant that many of the Ducks stranded and had to be assisted to finish the course.
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1st Tenbury Scouts Duck race was held this morning from the Crow bridge to Palmers Meadow. Low water meant that many of the Ducks stranded and had to be assisted to finish the course.
This Weather Widget is provided by the Met Office
good to see the duck race back. Used to love organising it for football club with my dad et al. I am sure the ducks are still under my bed at my parents house. They need a new home !
I've just updated the Tenbury Scout website with the list of winners (of the prizes) and with photos: http://scouts.scienceonline.org.uk/blog/duck-race-report/
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