Wednesday, 12 September 2012

The Wheelie Bins Are Coming

Wheelie Bins will be coming to Tenbury by 2015.  The next round on recycling legislation will force local councils to collect glass from the curbside, and MHDC have concluded the only safe way is to use Wheelie Bins.

Unfortunately (some would say) the weekly black bag collection will continue as before (so that the local crow population don't go hungry and can continue to split open sacks all over town every Monday)

Recyclables collection will switch to wheelie bins and be collected every fortnight.


Mr. Longbeard said...

Emptying bottles from a wheelie bin!! crikey that's going to make a racket that'd wake the dead

Ian said...

Wheelie bins are an eyesore! You may think spillage from a few black bags is bad enough - you wait until the place is disfigured by plastic bins. But . . . are they really going to be full-size bins for glass collection? Apart from serious imbibers, I can't imagine that most people will collect enough glass (even in a fortnight) to justify a full-size bin.

@WR15 said...

The bins will replace the pink sacks. So all recyclables.

Anonymous said...

Where my mum lives they have wheelie bins. After one had been emptied the refuse collectors left it on the pavement, the wind blew it into a passing cyclist and he was seriously injured.
Wheelie bins stop my mum going out one day of the week as she can't get past them on her mobility scooter.
Will the council widen pavements so scooters can get past the bins?
What happens to people living in bedsits?
When was the public consultation?

DaveC said...

@Anonymous 17:39

Europe has insisted that all councils offer kerbside glass recycling by 2015. The contractor that does the recycling for MHDC has insisted that the only safe way to do it it by using wheelie bins. 'Fait accompli' as they say and not much to consult on.

Empty your own bin! said...

There's plenty to consult on, not least the obstruction of the pavements and the cost of the wheelie bins.
Shropshire had plastic containers, not wheelie bins, for glass years ago - clearly a wheelie bin isn't essential.
Will it be a monthly bin collection, or do we all have to become alcoholics to justify more frequent collection?
Who will be responsible for the damage caused by wheelie bins being blown about on windy days?
At least one council has already said that glass in wheelie bins makes them too dangerous for binmen to lift - click on heading!
You couldn't make it up!!

Ian said...

Who voted for an EC that tells us what to do with our empty bottles.? Anyway, believe me. The bins will be an eyesore. It's alright for those with gardens and side entrances. But if you're in a terraced property it's an entirely different matter. Shropshire Council has had kerbside glass collection for ages but not wheelie bins. So, it can be done..

Anonymous said...

I think it all depends on your local council and how they implement it, whether people will accept and embrace it or reject it. I live in Burford and we have the black and green wheelie bins for landfill waste and green waste, and the 3 black boxes for glass, tins and plastic bottles and paper.

We were dead against wheelie bins initially, for all the reasons stated... eyesore, obstacles, sorting your own rubbish etc.. but now we have them and are used to them, we would never go back to sacks.

I say it all depends on your council... the problem is on the shropshire side, I think the green bin needs emptying every week in the summer months because of the smell and flies and extra waste from the garden. The black bin is not a problem fortnightly.

Prior to the debacle over not being able to recycle cardboard or anything with ink on, the system was excellent, but this ridiculous ruling has now rendered our green bin virtually useless.

The bins themselves are not the problem - in fact, in my opinion they are a far better solution than the sacks piled up all over the place for animals to rip open, but it is the service behind it that will either make it a success or failure.

Ian said...

The latest post demonstrates one one the really serious problems about recycling - a ridiculous lack of consistency from one local authority to another. If national and European directives are dictating what must be recycled there should surely be a more co-ordinated policy about what can be collected and how.

£1 billion up in smoke said...

Recycling rates need to be kept low in Tenbury so there will be enough to burn in the Hartlebury incinerator - click the heading for more info!

Ian said...

I've just put out the black and purple bags for tomorrow's collection. I realise that a wheelie bin for all recyclables would be very good for us (as we are also rather regular visitors to the bottle bank!). But I'm still opposed to them . . . they will deface the townscape.

Anonymous said...

Wheelie bins are no different from dustins that we used to put out back years ago, only this time it will be for recycling, which is a good thing
i believe thaT there will be a small medium or large bin to choose one
so think green

Anonymous said...

Wheelie bins are different to dustbins. Dustbins used to go out back, as you said, and the binmen collected and returned them, so no pavement obstruction and no wheelie bins blowing into traffic on windy days.