Monday, 29 September 2008
I hear that despite some teething problems the team and their support network are doing some great work and have plans and procedures that are far more advanced than some District and County Councils.
Anyone wishing to have a live update should attend the Crisis Support Team meeting to be held on Monday 29th September 2008 at 7.30pm in the Pump Rooms, off Teme Street, Tenbury Wells.
Henceforth the Crisis Support Team will be know as CEST. Community Emergency Support Team who will operate the Community Emergency Support Plan.
Congratulations Sadie - President Elect
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Town Council - Call on residents to lobby for Flood Action
Click here for statement.
Thursday, 11 September 2008
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Mamma Mia Returns
Full details are on the Regal (unofficial) website.
Tenbury's infamous water splash

One Tenbury Councillor has been campaigning for years to get Worcester County Council to solve this puddle problem.
The puddle appears after every shower, and cars then splash anyone unfortunate enough to be walking by.
For years the response from the County Councillor has been unhelpful suggestions such as "use the opposite pavement" (There isn't one) and it is a low priority.
Now Worcester County Council have promised to review the problem and see if funding can be found to resolve the problem once and for all.
Six months ago.
Tenbury standing by.

This is try to stop water spilling from the Brook into Market Street should the heavy rain cause the waters to rise.
New Lease of Life for the Tenbury Regal
New facilities could provide opportunities for people of all ages to participate in sports, arts and recreational activities.
A well designed re-development of the site could provide a vibrant cultural centre with cross over facilities by combing meeting rooms and office space with a wide range of activities including museum facilities, events and exhibitions, gallery, whilst keeping and upgrading the existing Cinema and Theatre space.
It is hoped that £2M Grant funding from a variety of sources can make this plan a reality.
Market Street Wall - Progress
(Click on link below)
Monday, 8 September 2008
Town Council - Flood Action
It is almost certain that there will be no major flood defenses for Tenbury as we do not meet the qualifications set out by Central Government. Wortcester News Article
It may be possible to get funding for smaller projects. All suggestions should be sent to the Town Clerk or your local Councillor.
Flash flooding is not the responsibility of the EA, but drainage of surface water is the responsibility of the County Council. The Bog Lane area, which is the source of so many of Tenbury's flash flood problems is to be investigated by the CC this week and they will provide the TC with a interim report by Friday. The weather forecast indicates that Tenbury could be hit by more flooding this Thursday.
Sunday, 7 September 2008
Confused Reporting
I missed most of the radio and TV reports, but was getting calls and messages from friends and family who expected to find us under water.
News even reached Sri lanka were Richard Burt issued a press release based on what he heard.
To read the 'flashes' coming up on the e-media and to read some of the reports in today's papers you have to start thinking that they must be talking about somewhere else.
At one point the BBC and others were claiming that Tenbury had been evacuated.
From the Times: "In Worcestershire, parts of Tenbury Wells town centre were evacuated and a refuge centre opened after the Kyre Brook broke its banks"
Sure the emergency centre at St Michael's was opened, but I'm not sure if anyone went there. If you live the other side of the Market Tavern you would have been out of luck anyway.
It is probably sensible to close the road to stop the wake from vehicles washing into shops, but the water was never deep enough to actually stop a car, unless driven by the most inept driver.
By closing the road so early, I wonder how much 'rat running' of country lanes caused more damage.
Reports that the A456 was closed continued well into Saturday night, but I spoke to several people who claimed it was still open.
Even as I write this (on Sunday afternoon) teletext still says
"A456, Tenbury Wells Road closed due to flooding both ways at A4112 Teme Street"
For Tenbury the EA flood warnings for the River Teme seems to have been correct, but some area's down stream flooded whilst still on Flood Watch. The system seems to have too few sensors to be very accurate. If we can't have defenses then at least give us a warning system that works, and extend it to the Brooks that are known to be prone to flooding.
As usual I welcome your comments.
Saturday, 6 September 2008
Flooding Down Stream

Click here for more.
Clee Hill - Roads Destroyed

Lucky Escape

Call for SUDS
Rain falling on the ground above the town, rushes down the roads and ditches, overwhelming the drains and culverts.
This problem will be made worse in future by additional development already planned.
In addition to the calls to the Environment Agency for flood defences on the river Teme, Tenbury also needs SUDS.
SUDS or sustainable urban drainage schemes, (better known as catch ponds and ditches) delay the progress of the water and divert it into a holding area and then release it slowly so that the drains and culverts can cope with the volume.
If the appropriate schemes were installed in the fields above Bog Lane and in areas such as car parks, school playgrounds, and factory yards. I'm sure this would make a huge difference to the speed run-off water reaches the town centre.
Click here for more.
Friday, 5 September 2008
The Wall - The history according to me!

More delays followed whilst contractors submitted their estimates and project plans.
Now more than 12 months later the work to replace the wall has only just started. The work was expected to be completed by Christmas but this is now in doubt as the latest flood has washed away the wooden form-work and has more than likely made the site unstable. Depending on what has been washed away, there is a possibility that the road may have been further damaged.
Tenbury Wells was flooded three times in Summer 2007
25th June at approx. 18.00 hrs
17th July at approx. 14.45 hrs
20th July at approx. 18.00 hrs
and now September 5th at approx. 18.00 hrs
Click here for more.
What a difference 24 hours makes.

Less than 24 hours after their meeting with the Environment Agency, where it was confirmed that Tenbury would not be getting any flood defences, Town, District and County Councillors were out in force on the flooded streets of Tenbury.
The Tenbury Crisis Management Team and Plan were swung into action early this evening as it became clear that Kyre Brook would breach its banks.
Click here for more.
Avoidable Flood Hits Market Street

Emergency Services arrive in force.

Callsign - Five Three Two
Model - Dennis Sabre
Registration Number - VX53 JEU
Tenbury holds its breath

Floods Hit Burford (Tenbury Wells)