Local newspaper, Teme Valley Times, now has an interactive online edition.
Teme Valley times has quickly established itself as the highest circulation paper for local news and events, and is now the first newspaper in the area to have a full online edition.
Thursday, 30 October 2008
Thursday, 23 October 2008
Applefest 2008

Once again Tenbury Applefest was blessed with dry weather and large crowds.

The one issue that hadn't been solved, and needs urgent attention before anymore festivals are promoted is that of parking. Numerous people had for months been concerned about the lack of additional temporary car parking in town and insufficient consideration to traffic flow on festival days. Once again this caused many visitors to have a very slow approach and unsatisfactory and muddy parking provision when they arrived.
Undoubtedly festivals and special events are a bonus to Tenbury and help to maintain the viability of the retail centre, but proper plans need to be put in place, whether they be, park and ride, or school car parks, or better use of on-street parking.
Tenbury Advertiser
Tenbury Advertiser (Parking)
Tenbury Advertiser
Tenbury Advertiser (Parking)
"Applefest 08",
"Tenbury Wells"
Saturday, 18 October 2008
Mamma Mia Plays to Another Full House

Mama Mia, the hit Musical of Summer 2008 returned to Tenbury today as part of the Film Festival. Once again, the film played to a full house. This must have been the most successful film screened in the Regal in recent years with a record 7 full houses.
"Regal Cinema" "Teme Street"
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Tenbury awarded £25,000 Grant
Tenbury Wells is to receive a £25,000 grant, funded by the regional development agency Advantage West Midlands as part of a £1 million “Better Welcome” campaign to improve local towns tourism appeal,
Supported by Malvern Hills District Council, the Tenbury Wells project will include a new civic garden with a specially designed sensory element to be built on currently unused waste land behind the Burgage.
There will also be a number of improvements made to the planted area adjacent to Tenbury Swimming Pool, as well as additional seating, signage and a series of plaques erected on some of Tenbury’s listed buildings.
Supported by Malvern Hills District Council, the Tenbury Wells project will include a new civic garden with a specially designed sensory element to be built on currently unused waste land behind the Burgage.
There will also be a number of improvements made to the planted area adjacent to Tenbury Swimming Pool, as well as additional seating, signage and a series of plaques erected on some of Tenbury’s listed buildings.
"Better Welcome",
"Tenbury Wells"
Friday, 10 October 2008
SWJCS Preferred Options Paper
If you have any comments or objections to the following, then you need to act now.
Details of how to comment are on SWJCS website.
Proposed Policy CS7 Tenbury Wells
Growth should respect the existing urban form, particularly in relation to the undulating landform and opportunities for views in to the town, and its historic characteristics.
Housing growth should be balanced with increases in employment development to allow further choice of jobs for new and existing residents, and to help to reduce longer distance commuting.
Accessibility to Tenbury Wells from the surrounding rural areas will be enhanced through improvements to sustainable transport infrastructure to ensure better access to higher-level services such as health, employment and educational opportunities for the rural population. This will include more frequent bus services and rural transport initiatives in line with the County Council’s Integrated Passenger Transport Strategy.
Development of the former Cattle Market site for commercial uses, including retail, employment uses, and / or for recreation, leisure and community uses will be encouraged where these are of a scale and size appropriate to the location and compatible with flood policy.
Employment development at Tenbury Wells will be limited to meeting local needs only enhancing the economic prosperity of the town and its rural surroundings., No specific allocations are anticipated beyond the continued implementation of the existing Tenbury Business Park. The release of any additional land for employment uses at Tenbury, will take place only once Tenbury Business Park has been fully developed and subject to consideration of the full range of employment development opportunities which exist on a cross boundary basis within Burford which is within South Shropshire District.
Development should support the role of Tenbury Wells as a focus for the provision of services and employment for the surrounding rural areas.
The Site Allocations Development Plan Document will identify the phasing and the location of up to 100 new dwellings to 2026.
Details of how to comment are on SWJCS website.
Proposed Policy CS7 Tenbury Wells
Growth should respect the existing urban form, particularly in relation to the undulating landform and opportunities for views in to the town, and its historic characteristics.
Housing growth should be balanced with increases in employment development to allow further choice of jobs for new and existing residents, and to help to reduce longer distance commuting.
Accessibility to Tenbury Wells from the surrounding rural areas will be enhanced through improvements to sustainable transport infrastructure to ensure better access to higher-level services such as health, employment and educational opportunities for the rural population. This will include more frequent bus services and rural transport initiatives in line with the County Council’s Integrated Passenger Transport Strategy.
Development of the former Cattle Market site for commercial uses, including retail, employment uses, and / or for recreation, leisure and community uses will be encouraged where these are of a scale and size appropriate to the location and compatible with flood policy.
Employment development at Tenbury Wells will be limited to meeting local needs only enhancing the economic prosperity of the town and its rural surroundings., No specific allocations are anticipated beyond the continued implementation of the existing Tenbury Business Park. The release of any additional land for employment uses at Tenbury, will take place only once Tenbury Business Park has been fully developed and subject to consideration of the full range of employment development opportunities which exist on a cross boundary basis within Burford which is within South Shropshire District.
Development should support the role of Tenbury Wells as a focus for the provision of services and employment for the surrounding rural areas.
The Site Allocations Development Plan Document will identify the phasing and the location of up to 100 new dwellings to 2026.
"Tenbury Wells"
Pavement Repairs in Church Street

The damage, possibly caused by heavy vehicles travelling with one wheel on the pavement had left the level of the tarmac surface well below the curbstone.
This damage may have happened during the upgrading of the sewage pumping station, where tonnes of soil was moved by Tractor & Trailer to the temporary transfer station set up on the Old Cattle Market.
"Tenbury Wells"
Theft at the Regal
Fortunately the dry weather this week meant that the complex avoided extensive water damage, although the likely cost of repairing the roof will run into thousands of pounds.
The picture above shows the flashing in place prior to the theft. The sloped roof is the top of the screen box. The cinema volunteers had noticed light leaking onto the screen, but didn't immediately link this with the theft which was discovered later.
It is hoped that the temporary repairs will enable the 50s-60s Rock & Roll Concert, featuring Roger Brown & No Agender to go ahead tomorrow Sat. 11th October 2008 at 7.30 pm despite the forecast of rain.
"Regal Cinema",
"Teme Street",
"Tenbury Wells"
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
Hidden Treasure - Dragons Wood Forge
It's not every day that you are driving along and are suddenly confronted by a Dragon.
Well not everyday, unless you live near Dragons Wood Forge, Stoke Lacy a few miles from Tenbury Wells.
Artist/Blacksmith Neil Lossock, has created some amazing creatures and other interesting objects for a wide range of customers.

Artist/Blacksmith Neil Lossock, has created some amazing creatures and other interesting objects for a wide range of customers.

"Dragons Wood Forge",
"Tenbury Wells"
Monday, 6 October 2008
To elect or to co-opt that is the question?

If ten local residents request an election then one must be held, although the last time this happened, earlier this year, only one name appeared on the ballot paper, so they won by default.
For a separate vacancy three names were put forward for co-option. The final choice was decided by Town Councillor in a secret vote.
"Bob Martin",
"Tenbury Wells Town Council"
Supermarket for Cattle Market Site?
Chase Tenbury LLP the owners of the old Cattle Market site in Tenbury Wells are in negotiation with planners about the redevelopment of the site. Soil testing has recently been taking place, and whilst no firm proposals have been submitted it is hoped that the redevelopment will commence within 18 months.
It seems that the most likely planning application will be for a small supermarket along with substantial parking facilities.
There is no information about the likely operator of the site but the ownership is expected to remain with Chase Tenbury LLP.
Sainsbury plc made a submission regarding the site, during the District Plan revision.
Tesco's are expected to apply for a Tesco Express in Burford in 2010 when further development is due to take place.
It seems that the most likely planning application will be for a small supermarket along with substantial parking facilities.
There is no information about the likely operator of the site but the ownership is expected to remain with Chase Tenbury LLP.
Sainsbury plc made a submission regarding the site, during the District Plan revision.
Tesco's are expected to apply for a Tesco Express in Burford in 2010 when further development is due to take place.
"Tenbury Wells"
Saturday, 4 October 2008
Good old English
I heard the following on BBC R4 PM
English should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane.
In what other language do people recite at a play and play at a recital?
You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out, and in which an alarm goes off by going on.
English should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane.
In what other language do people recite at a play and play at a recital?
- We ship by truck but send cargo by ship.
- We have noses that run and feet that smell.
- We park in a driveway and drive in a parkway.
You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out, and in which an alarm goes off by going on.
Toilet Design Competition - Result

The winning design emerged as clear favourite during the public consultation exercise held earlier this year. Following meetings with the planners, conservation officer and other council officials it was agreed that the popular design was suitable and could be built.
MHDC Press Release
Tenbury Advertiser
Mayor unveils Sculpture

At the well attended ceremony, Caroline Palethorpe explained how the project had progress and had involved children and adults from around the town and in the outlying villages.
Tenbury Advertiser 16/10/08
"Cllr Richard Jones",
"Tenbury Wells"
Friday, 3 October 2008
Market Street Wall - Progress
Day 81. The wall is beginning to appear.

"Market Street",
"Tenbury Wells"
Sculpture to be unveiled tomorrow

"Tenbury Wells"
Four Year Battle Won

They have also agreed to a new drainage system in Bromyard Road to alleviate the water run off from Tenbury High School and Dark Orchard.
Thursday, 2 October 2008
Cattle Market Car Park to CLOSE!
Although not the best car parking facility in town, the cattle market car park usually contains 40 to 50 cars a day. Some are shop staff and others are 'short stop' shoppers.

News that this privately owned facility is to be closed from 9 am on Sunday until further notice is yet another blow to the already struggling retail centre. It will also impact on the parking available for Applefest and the Mistletoe Fayre.
Malvern Hills District Council have consistently refused to make their car park behind the library free of charge, even though the cost of running and enforcing the ticketing system makes the car park 'revenue natural'.
Although the fees are not very high by national standards, if all you want to do is post a letter, then they add considerably to the postage cost!
If you have concerns about this or any other local issue, the District Councillors Phil Grove and Tony Penn are available, (by appointment) this Friday from 5.30 to 6.30 in the library. Call in to book an appointment or phone 01684 862 151.
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
Tenbury Tourism
When I read this article, my immediate reaction was disbelief, but I though the figures must be right, otherwise they wouldn't have been published.
Now several weeks later, I have spoken to quite a few people, consulted with the Tenbury & District Tourism Group, who represent a number of the local tourist accommodation providers, and talked with a number of retailers. They all say, that visitor numbers are down, both day visitors, and overnight stays and holidaymakers. Even local people are visiting town less frequently.
So the question remains, why do the TIC figures show such a significant increase?
Live Weather in Tenbury Wells
Have you ever wondered just how hot it was yesterday, or how heavy the passing shower really is? If you have, thanks to a Weather Station installed at and run by Tenbury Wells High School, you can view weather statistics live. In addition the site also shows interesting past data such as:-
The highest daily rain fall in the last year was 54.4mm on 5/9/2008
The highest hourly rainfall was also recorded on 5/9/2008 as 18.3mm whereas the highest rate of rain fall was recorded on 19th July.
Other interesting facts which highlight just how random our weather has become is the coldest day of the year was 16th April at -1.8c yet the hottest was only a few weeks later on 11th May at 26.7c
The highest daily rain fall in the last year was 54.4mm on 5/9/2008
The highest hourly rainfall was also recorded on 5/9/2008 as 18.3mm whereas the highest rate of rain fall was recorded on 19th July.
Other interesting facts which highlight just how random our weather has become is the coldest day of the year was 16th April at -1.8c yet the hottest was only a few weeks later on 11th May at 26.7c
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