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A view of local events & news from Tenbury Wells - Since 2007
The contents of this blog are an eclectic collection of my own random thoughts, and subjects brought to my attention by other residents who feel this blog is a good conduit for communication. I am not elected or nominated as a spokesman by any organisation. I do not pretend to talk on behalf of the community. There are people who share some of my views, and others that do not. I do not write all the articles, but usually act as Editor. If you do not like what you read here, find another blog to read, or better still write your own.
I have nothing against Bowling and I will be the first to admit that I do not know all the details, but the basic information and sums just do not seem to add-up, and the amounts being spent seem to be a 'hot topic' around Town.
A Bowling Green specialist surveyor was summoned (at great expense) from Yorkshire, to tell the TC that the problem with the green was root invasion from nearby Poplar Trees, the wrong sort of grass and too much rolling.The purpose of a Town Council is to raise a precept and provide services and facilities for the public. Perhaps we cannot expect these services and facilities to be run on a commercial basis to make a profit or to break even, but at what point does the cost of a facility used by a small minority become unacceptable?
Each year, thousands of pounds are lavished on the facility, whilst the income it generates is marginal.
Now we hear that many hundreds of pounds are to be spent felling the poplar trees, and that new edging is required, again costing over a thousand pounds.
Felling the trees, is likely to make matters worse in the short term, as the roots which run close to the surface shrink and cause yet more disruption to the playing surface. Next we will hear that the surface is to be dug up and relaid with new soil and turf!
Whilst all this is happening on the Bowling Green, the Regal continues it's downwards slide. If you are unlucky enough to be sitting in the wrong place at the wrong time during a performance you are likely to get wet due to a hole in the roof. Lottery funding is being sought, (but not guaranteed) and the Town Council will need to make a certain contribution by way of match funding, which can be work already undertaken.
531 P1, 532 RP, 521 P1, 522 RP (MP4), 466 ALP, (541 P1 Relief)Firefighters from Tenbury Fire & Rescue Service entered the building wearing breathing apparatus and used a hose reel and thermal imaging camera to search the smoke-filled house.
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