Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Welcome Gift
Following Tenbury Town Council's refusal to waive the usual hire fee, it was feared that this additional expense would have to be met from the limited funds available to the volunteer Tenbury Film Group.
Although the Town Council were steadfast in ensuring that they made a profit from the School Film, they may not have been so lucky with the Pantomime that they promoted in the week before Christmas which appears to have landed the Council with a significant loss.
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Wall work finished?
Saturday, 20 December 2008
Tenbury Regal Cinema
Playing catch up.
The Tenbury Advertiser leads with the destruction of the Mulberry Trees recorded here on 6th December, and the Ludlow Journal, leads with the "Use it or loose it" message from the Tenbury Wells Regal Cinema recorded here on 2nd December.
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Shop Window Competition
The winner of the Public Competition to Guess as many window themes as possible should be announced shortly.
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Sculpture Reconfigured
The three plaques were originally mounted on a stone plinth, but the fixings were found to be of insufficient strength to withstand the rigours of life in the Burgage. They were also rather hard to read.
The plaques have been strengthened and remounted on a large steel plate.

Tenbury Mayor unveils the original sculpture
Monday, 8 December 2008
Royal Mullberry Trees Destroyed by Vandals
The trees planted to commemorate the Queens 80th Birthday were grafted from trees growing at Buckingham Palace.
It has been estimated that the cost of replacing these trees is in the region of £150, provided replacement trees can be found.
Saturday, 6 December 2008
Mistletoe Festival & Lantern Parade

Listen to Mistletoe Queen on Radio 4 Womans Hour Programme
The Lantern Parade
Friday, 5 December 2008
Use it or lose it.

Recent low attendance figures have brought about a turn in fortune for the volunteer run cinema. During the summer 7 sell out screenings of Mamma Mia helped to boost the funds, but recent very low audience numbers have eaten away at this surplus.
The Tenbury Regal Group have to pay enhanced fees to the film distributors when there is a large audience, but still have to pay a substantial distributor fee, and a hire fee to Tenbury Town Council even if no one turns up. Ironically they even have to pay a distributors courier fee when the Regal is unavailable for films due to other bookings.
A coffee morning is being held in the Regal Community Centre starting at 10am on Saturday 17th January 2009 with an auction of film posters at 11am. You are urged to come along a discuss the cinema and it's future.
Tenbury Regal Website
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Christmas Window Competition
Nearly every shop has been refitted within the last 18 months and new hi-tech lights decorate the street scene.
To add to the Christmas magic many of the shops have entered the Tenbury Chamber of Trade shop window competition. Some truly magical window displays have been created to put a smile on your face, to tease the mind and get you guessing which Christmas song they represent.
There also some unusual gift ideas and great bargains to be found in the shops.
MHDC offer help to ailing companies
He explained that whilst the Council does not have the funds to assist companies directly they can access a number of grants which may be enough to help companies continue trading.
New Multi Purpose Building
The new building, which will incorporate new changing facilities for the football and rugby club has been given the green light and it is hoped that a design architect will be appointed soon, once suitable funding has been found.
The second multi purpose, art and culture building, proposed for the Regal site appears to have stalled.
Tenbury Play Equipment
In conjunction with other organisations, various public consultation exercises have been carried out and others are planned.
In particular, children and young people have been encouraged to take an active part in the consultation process.
Tenbury Police
Although the crime rate around the Tenbury and Teme Valley area remains low, the current economic climate will inevitably lead to an increase in crime.
There have been reports of Fuel and Heating Oil thefts and thefts of scrap metal, although these have reduced with the reduction in fuel prices and halving in the value of scrap.
In recent weeks the street patrols have been tackling the problem of young people cycling on pavements and the usual problems of under age drinking.
The national drink drive campaign also starts today, and as the occurrence drink driving is still statistically high in the Teme Valley area they will be stepping up their patrols and random stops.
A national Power Company have donated a 'large' number of low energy light bulbs to Tenbury Police to distribute to vulnerable people to enable them to leave a light on for security reasons without running up a large bill. Anyone requiring a bulb or who know someone who would benefit from a bulb should contact the front desk.
Free Parking in Tenbury
MHDC have decided not to reduce Car Parking charged following the reduction in VAT, but to allow additional free parking.
They are also hoping to announce no increases in Car Parking charges during 2009.
It has been estimated that the Tenbury Wells Car Park is revenue neutral, and MHDC could allow free car parking in Tenbury with no overall loss of revenue, but they have refused to move from their policy of treating all their car parks the same. MHDC make significant profits from some of their car parks.
Tenbury Wells, is in competition with Leominster where parking is now free.
New Town Councillor
Unusually the whole co-option process was carried out at a special meeting of the Town Council to which the press and public were excluded.
Tenbury Town Council regularly use the Section 100(1) of the Local Government Act 1972 to exclude the press and public from official meetings, and where the act cannot be stretched to apply they hold informal meetings which they are also able to exclude the public and press.
(Only meetings where Councillors are "summoned to attend" are official meetings)
The Council have voted to adopt the Freedom of Information Act, model publication scheme, but rather than make all relevant documents available on their website, the will use the website to direct enquiries to the Town Clerk who will copy documents and make a charge.
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
Inspired by the Pump Rooms
Click here.
Friday, 14 November 2008
Countdown to Christmas

Monday, 10 November 2008
Ask not what your Town Council does for you.
I was very surprised to find how difficult it is to discover where Tenbury Town Council spends our money.
Tenbury Town Council set the 2nd highest precept in the Malvern Hills District. For an (average) band D property, the Town Council levy a charge of £76.91, which seems quite good value until you discover that the charge for Malvern Hills District Council is only £125.40.
From Malvern Hills we get, Planning Control, Licensing, Part of the Worcestershire Hub, Street cleaning, Some grass cutting, Environmental Health, Toilets Provision, Elections, Tourism Support, Standards Committee, Car Parking, Summer Activities, Community Safety, Waste Collection and Recycling, Emergency Planning, Lobbying, and awarding of Grants, amongst other things.
What do we get from Tenbury Town Council?
They clean and maintain the bus shelter outside the Regal.
They run their own web-site, which was supposed to be income generating, but isn't, and they do not even use it to publish all their public documents, with many document only appearing on their noticeboard.
They own and control the Regal, should this (with the help of grant aid) be self sufficient and not be a burden on the tax payer?
They now own the Pump Rooms, but again should this be self sufficient? There appears to be no Management Plan for the Pump Rooms and the Town Council have publicly admitted that they have no idea how much it is going to cost to run and maintain.
They own two shops, surely these at least should be revenue generating not cost items.
They own and run the Burgage and Palmers Meadow. Once again, there is income to off-set expenditure, but in the Malvern Town Council area, similar open spaces are maintained by the District Council, so why does so much cost fall upon our local precept?
One plus point is that they do provide free car parking.
The purpose of a Town Council is to raise a precept and provide services and facilities for the public. Perhaps we cannot expect these services and facilities to be run on a commercial basis to make a profit or to break even, but at what point does the cost of a facility used by a small minority become unacceptable. For instance when does the public subsidy of a game of Tennis become too much? 50p? £5? £50?
Due to the way public records are kept and published it is almost impossible to say how much the Town Council subsidise each game of Tennis or each Game of Bowls, but we can see that the income from all the Sports and Recreation facilities (plus the Cemetery) is in the region of £6,000, where as the expenditure is nearing £22,000. The income from the Bowling appears to be in the region of £1,000, but the cost of the Green Maintenance alone is in excess of £3,000.
In the last year that figures were available, 50% of the money raised through the precept was spent on wages.
The Town Council are our elected representatives, but we should all take an interest in what they do. After all we pay for it.
Sunday, 9 November 2008
Roads cannot cope with rain

The main Tenbury/Bromyard Road was only open to large vehicles and 4x4s.
Tenbury Remembers
More photo's
Saturday, 8 November 2008
Flood Defences
Harriett Baldwin
Harriett Baldwin 2
Richard Burt
Richard Burt 2
Watch on i-player (Fast forward to 8:15)
Disdain for the system, or search for the truth?
"political blogs are written by people with disdain for the political system and politicians, who see their function as unearthing scandals, conspiracies and perceived hypocrisy." (Hazel Blears)
"Dam the electorate and their morbid facination with the truth" (addition by Sandi Toksvig)
Monday, 3 November 2008
EA not keen on gauge for Kyre Brook
They already monitor the water level on Ledwyche Brook at Little Hereford and Mill Brook at Newnham Bridge and feel that Kyre Brook does not need to be monitored.
This decision appears to be rather strange as Kyre Brook rises on the opposite side of the Teme Valley and has a direct effect on flooding in Tenbury.
MHDC in charge confusion
This sound similar to Business Link paying a consultant £350 + Vat to turn down a Training Grant application for £400!
Government agency red tape, don't you just love it!
Zebra comes to Tenbury
A "Zebra" pedestrian crossing is to be installed to assist crossing Market Street from the Royal Oak area to the new Toilets.
Pub Closes
The multi award winning Fountain Inn has ceased trading.
The fate of some other licenced premises locally must also be in doubt. A quick walk around town shows that whilst some of the Pubs are busy (incredibly so in one instance), others have no drinkers at all.
Thursday, 30 October 2008
Teme Valley Times
Teme Valley times has quickly established itself as the highest circulation paper for local news and events, and is now the first newspaper in the area to have a full online edition.
Thursday, 23 October 2008
Applefest 2008

Tenbury Advertiser
Tenbury Advertiser (Parking)
Saturday, 18 October 2008
Mamma Mia Plays to Another Full House

Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Tenbury awarded £25,000 Grant
Supported by Malvern Hills District Council, the Tenbury Wells project will include a new civic garden with a specially designed sensory element to be built on currently unused waste land behind the Burgage.
There will also be a number of improvements made to the planted area adjacent to Tenbury Swimming Pool, as well as additional seating, signage and a series of plaques erected on some of Tenbury’s listed buildings.
Friday, 10 October 2008
SWJCS Preferred Options Paper
Details of how to comment are on SWJCS website.
Proposed Policy CS7 Tenbury Wells
Growth should respect the existing urban form, particularly in relation to the undulating landform and opportunities for views in to the town, and its historic characteristics.
Housing growth should be balanced with increases in employment development to allow further choice of jobs for new and existing residents, and to help to reduce longer distance commuting.
Accessibility to Tenbury Wells from the surrounding rural areas will be enhanced through improvements to sustainable transport infrastructure to ensure better access to higher-level services such as health, employment and educational opportunities for the rural population. This will include more frequent bus services and rural transport initiatives in line with the County Council’s Integrated Passenger Transport Strategy.
Development of the former Cattle Market site for commercial uses, including retail, employment uses, and / or for recreation, leisure and community uses will be encouraged where these are of a scale and size appropriate to the location and compatible with flood policy.
Employment development at Tenbury Wells will be limited to meeting local needs only enhancing the economic prosperity of the town and its rural surroundings., No specific allocations are anticipated beyond the continued implementation of the existing Tenbury Business Park. The release of any additional land for employment uses at Tenbury, will take place only once Tenbury Business Park has been fully developed and subject to consideration of the full range of employment development opportunities which exist on a cross boundary basis within Burford which is within South Shropshire District.
Development should support the role of Tenbury Wells as a focus for the provision of services and employment for the surrounding rural areas.
The Site Allocations Development Plan Document will identify the phasing and the location of up to 100 new dwellings to 2026.
Pavement Repairs in Church Street

Theft at the Regal

It is hoped that the temporary repairs will enable the 50s-60s Rock & Roll Concert, featuring Roger Brown & No Agender to go ahead tomorrow Sat. 11th October 2008 at 7.30 pm despite the forecast of rain.
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
Hidden Treasure - Dragons Wood Forge

Artist/Blacksmith Neil Lossock, has created some amazing creatures and other interesting objects for a wide range of customers.

Monday, 6 October 2008
To elect or to co-opt that is the question?

If ten local residents request an election then one must be held, although the last time this happened, earlier this year, only one name appeared on the ballot paper, so they won by default.
For a separate vacancy three names were put forward for co-option. The final choice was decided by Town Councillor in a secret vote.
Supermarket for Cattle Market Site?
It seems that the most likely planning application will be for a small supermarket along with substantial parking facilities.
There is no information about the likely operator of the site but the ownership is expected to remain with Chase Tenbury LLP.
Sainsbury plc made a submission regarding the site, during the District Plan revision.
Tesco's are expected to apply for a Tesco Express in Burford in 2010 when further development is due to take place.
Saturday, 4 October 2008
Good old English
English should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane.
In what other language do people recite at a play and play at a recital?
- We ship by truck but send cargo by ship.
- We have noses that run and feet that smell.
- We park in a driveway and drive in a parkway.
You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out, and in which an alarm goes off by going on.
Toilet Design Competition - Result

The winning design emerged as clear favourite during the public consultation exercise held earlier this year. Following meetings with the planners, conservation officer and other council officials it was agreed that the popular design was suitable and could be built.
MHDC Press Release
Tenbury Advertiser
Mayor unveils Sculpture

Tenbury Advertiser 16/10/08
Friday, 3 October 2008
Market Street Wall - Progress

Sculpture to be unveiled tomorrow

Four Year Battle Won

Thursday, 2 October 2008
Cattle Market Car Park to CLOSE!
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
Tenbury Tourism
When I read this article, my immediate reaction was disbelief, but I though the figures must be right, otherwise they wouldn't have been published.
Now several weeks later, I have spoken to quite a few people, consulted with the Tenbury & District Tourism Group, who represent a number of the local tourist accommodation providers, and talked with a number of retailers. They all say, that visitor numbers are down, both day visitors, and overnight stays and holidaymakers. Even local people are visiting town less frequently.
So the question remains, why do the TIC figures show such a significant increase?
Live Weather in Tenbury Wells
The highest daily rain fall in the last year was 54.4mm on 5/9/2008
The highest hourly rainfall was also recorded on 5/9/2008 as 18.3mm whereas the highest rate of rain fall was recorded on 19th July.
Other interesting facts which highlight just how random our weather has become is the coldest day of the year was 16th April at -1.8c yet the hottest was only a few weeks later on 11th May at 26.7c
Monday, 29 September 2008
I hear that despite some teething problems the team and their support network are doing some great work and have plans and procedures that are far more advanced than some District and County Councils.
Anyone wishing to have a live update should attend the Crisis Support Team meeting to be held on Monday 29th September 2008 at 7.30pm in the Pump Rooms, off Teme Street, Tenbury Wells.
Henceforth the Crisis Support Team will be know as CEST. Community Emergency Support Team who will operate the Community Emergency Support Plan.
Congratulations Sadie - President Elect
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Town Council - Call on residents to lobby for Flood Action
Click here for statement.
Thursday, 11 September 2008
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Mamma Mia Returns
Full details are on the Regal (unofficial) website.
Tenbury's infamous water splash

One Tenbury Councillor has been campaigning for years to get Worcester County Council to solve this puddle problem.
The puddle appears after every shower, and cars then splash anyone unfortunate enough to be walking by.
For years the response from the County Councillor has been unhelpful suggestions such as "use the opposite pavement" (There isn't one) and it is a low priority.
Now Worcester County Council have promised to review the problem and see if funding can be found to resolve the problem once and for all.
Six months ago.
Tenbury standing by.

This is try to stop water spilling from the Brook into Market Street should the heavy rain cause the waters to rise.
New Lease of Life for the Tenbury Regal
New facilities could provide opportunities for people of all ages to participate in sports, arts and recreational activities.
A well designed re-development of the site could provide a vibrant cultural centre with cross over facilities by combing meeting rooms and office space with a wide range of activities including museum facilities, events and exhibitions, gallery, whilst keeping and upgrading the existing Cinema and Theatre space.
It is hoped that £2M Grant funding from a variety of sources can make this plan a reality.
Market Street Wall - Progress
(Click on link below)