Wednesday 16 June 2010

A magnificent display of oleaginous toadying.

This is how the Guardian political sketch writer Simon Hoggart described Tenbury MP Harriett Baldwin's contribution to today's Prime Ministers Question Time.

If like me the meaning of the word Oleaginous didn't immediately spring to mind it transpires that it was the “word of the day” from Dictionary.Com, earlier in the month, so Simon Hoggart has probably been trying to find an excuse to use it.

Oleaginous \oh-lee-AJ-uh-nuhs\, adjective

  1. Having the nature or qualities of oil
  2. Containing oil
  3. Producing oil
  4. Unctuous, fawning, smarmy

On Monday The Speaker of the House, John Bercow said "May I congratulate Harriett Baldwin on her ingenuity? I mean that genuinely. "

Whatever your thoughts she does appear to be actively engaged in the Houses of Parliament!

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