On Saturday, with Applefest and a Rugby Match Palmer's Car Park was almost impassible. The pavements were covered in Cars and the Bus Bays full.
On some Saturdays this might not have mattered but a large Coach was scheduled to pick up a Tour Group who were visiting Applefest, and a shuttle bus was running between the Swimming Pool and the Aspire Centre for the Park & Ride. In the end the Coach had to pick up from Kyrewood Road, further adding to the chaos and leaving the elderly trippers to climb up the grass bank by the refuse area.
If Tenbury is serious about attracting more people and tourists to Town, a solution to this increasing problem needs to be sought!
Yea and you want to let tesco take away a perfectly good FREE parking spaces for over 100 (if they park sensible). And put in a parking time limit. Now do you see why we don't need or want them?
I think it is unrealistic to expect a private landowner to allow "unofficial" parking on his land indefinitely, and the various Council's concerned shouldn't base their forward planning on this.
The bus/coach park should be for buses and coaches. Cars parked there could be ticketed, clamped, towed-away or fined. Otherwise Tenbury will stay off the list of coach destinations and the town needs the trade.
You are concerned about parking why don't Mr Chase turn it into a car park pay and display
It's an option, but a very very poor return on his investment, and would need several tens of thousands to tarmac & equip.
no mr chase dosent want to spend the money to tarmac and do pay and display he would sooner let tesco build, but then tenbury town council cant look further than there noses to see that would be a good idea
Yea he would rather destroy the town rather than help it. Tesco will kill it. Keep tesco OUT!! Object to the application now!
The question should be ,has Mr Chase ever thourght about spending any money on the site .It should have been kept as it was a cattle market .
Do you Anti-tesco people have to keep hijacking every single thread? It really is getting very tedious now.
The Town Council have agreed to consider either extending Palmers Meadow Car Park or creating an overflow Car Park.
It's called a PUBLIC blog so tesno people are allowed on here.
1. Palmer's was gifted to the town for Recreational use - there are covenants in place which prevent a change of use - quiet right too.
2. IF the Tesco application on the cattle market is turned down then the value of the land will be significantly less then the reported amount Chase paid for it - why does it need to be tarmac? there are less expensive options which allow water to seep away as opposed to "run off". The site and development of it may well amount to millions, however if money could be found from multiple contributors - EA (flood defences), Lottery - visitors centre/museum at the RBB building - DC and TC money then why not.
I have stated elsewhere that i beleive a blended site would be a more beneficial use of the cattle market to the town on many levels.
I was interested to see the use of plastic reinforcement mesh panels in-filled with loose gravel at the Ludlow Eco-park.
I doubt it would be allowed at the Cattle Market site as it could be washed into the river during flooding.
As more and more peope rely on cars, of course parking will be a problem. This is a problem with society in general - people don't use their local shops as they can't compete on price, so they go out of business and so people have to go into their local town
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