Tesco are due to unveil their revised plan for a store to be sited on the Old Cattle Market in Tenbury Wells at a public exhibition at the Pump Rooms tomorrow, (but you can have a sneak preview on the Tenbury Blog)
Click on picture to enlarge. (Use your back button to return to blog)
Click on picture to enlarge. (Use your back button to return to blog)

Malvern Hills District Council were due to validate the planning application today and hopefully the full planning documentation should be available online from tomorrow.
Where has the old infirmary gone?
SOD the old imfirmary these plans are brill come on tesco sooner the better
Would Anonymous like Tenbury to be demolished and replaced by a new town?
An accident waiting to happen .Is there another Tesco store that has the delivery wagons going through there customer car-park.
u say that now but it will kill the trade for other traders who av been there years i av looked at the pics of this tescos n wud say it is planned to close to other traders and there will be problems with traffic , build up of cars cuming into and out of this site on a bridge which needs urgent REPAIRS!
will this tesco carpark be the same has all the other tesco carparks where boy racers have there gatherings and hold there so called cruises ! Which envolves cars spinning around 360degrees with loud music and descarded food and drink cartons everywhere . Tenbury does not deserve this !
Same old tesco sh*t. Don't want or need it. Come on mhdc refuse again!!!
If the store isn't needed, why are the protesters paying so much attention to traffic congestion.
If the store really isn't needed then there will be no congestion.
Me thinks vested interests are at work here and that is why the existing grocers are funding the protest group.
It's the main reason an it just ain't the congestion there are other points.
I take it that you have also been brainwashed by tesco Tony just like a certain blog owner
It's reassuring (I think!) to find that the same old Tesco paranoia continues . . . this proposal isn’t perfect by any means but it will provide a welcome investment of capital into a rather rundown Tenbury and also offer some welcome competition. Why are some of the existing traders so worried? I thought they believed in capitalism, and so competition!
Interesting to see its down to 150 jobs now ,not the 180 they quoted in the first application .You just can't trust them can you!
all we need to complete the packege is a petrol statio. why do peopel say that they dont want TESCO to come because i bet they go to kidderminster or ludlow but insead of going there u can have it on ur door step. BRING ON TESCO TO TENBURY.
dose not matter if tecso comes or not we still got boys races any way so i dont know wot u r talking about .
Isn't it Tesco that has the vested interest?
We already have a petrol station so why do we need another. People who wish on independent shops to close just shows that they don't care about the community or peoples livelihoods.
The plans are exactly the same as the old ones just got a circular entrance.
An interesting day yesterday. I visited the Pump Rooms to look at the revised plans.
As the day went on it was quite noticeable that the various people representing Tesco were getting a right royal ear bashing from the concerned locals there [not every one but seemingly the majority].
Tesco still want to demolish the RBB building but MHDC made their perspective clear on this when Tesco were forced to withdraw their plans last time:
A statement from MHDC today said:
“The 19th century building is considered to be too important because it frames views into the former Cattle Market site from both Teme Street and the bridge over the river.” [Shropshire Star, Mon 26th Jul, 2010].
Unless Tesco have paid off MHDC or similar then I suspect that this clear view on the RBB building won't have changed this time round.
Congestion is already an issue around the Teme Bridge as anyone who's sat in a queue waiting for a tractor to squeeze past will testify. Scale that up substantially and you can probably imagine the effect a Tesco HGV will have. Add to the mix that the bridge is already structurally unsound and in need of over a million pound's worth of immediate repairs - and yes, congestion and traffic over it is very much a concern of many.
To anonymous up top who suggests that local businesses are funding the 'No' campaign.. The campaign is indeed a collection of concerned locals and small businesses.. All I ask is that you come forward with some clear evidence of your claim [and money changing hands].. I think you'll find it a challenge though as you've just made that up basically.
the truth is tesco will come
I like the plans, but then I liked the last lot.
So if Tescos bid fails we get to keep two derelict buildings and a pot holed eye sore for another god knows how many years, brilliant view as you come into town isn't it.
To anonymous.
The truth is tesco did come then went back.
They came again but next time they will stay away for good!!
well said bumblebee u av hit the nail on the head !
Tesco will keep trying to get a toehold. If they fail in Tenbury then they'll try for out of town /poss Burford. Both options will turn Tenbury into a Ghost Town in short order.
Don't take my word for it though - listen to the people of other towns like Galashiels in the Scottish Borders, Hucknall in Nottinghamshire or Stalham in Norfolk [to name but some]. All these towns have found their highstreet shops close after Tesco moved in..
Hucknall, Notts
"...Since the expansion of Tesco, we have seen Hucknall traders close their doors for the final time. Frank Sisson (Euronics), who had been on High Street for as long as I can remember, closed in the summer... Wilmott Pet Stores... another old shop, is due to close in the New Year... And last but by no means least, I have had to close the baby half of Babes 'N' Blooms on Watnall Road as I cannot compete with Tesco and their Direct catalogue..."
Galashiels, Scottish Borders
Blogger Graham Bolton
Stalham, Norfolk
"… A Tesco opened in Stalham two years ago [2002] and has already affected local shops’ trade so much that some shops have closed down and others are thinking of selling up. Stalham is a market town but Tesco built its car park on the market site promising that the market could continue on Tuesday mornings. But once its store was open, Tesco backtracked on this promise..."
"Every Little Hurts" - FOE .pdf briefing, 2004.
The plan is poor. That should be pretty obvious to anyone who has studied the whole of it fully, including the spin-off effects such as banning parking outside SPAR.
One problem is most people don't understand what this is actually about. The planning application is NOT about whether or not Tesco should come to Tenbury - it is really about whether or not that site is suitable for a large supermarket.
At present, people who want Tesco are 'supporting' this application simply because they want Tesco here. This is not the right approach.
There are two SEPARATE issues:
1) Do you want Tesco in Tenbury?
2) Is this is the right site for a large supermarket?
The answer to (1) is a matter of opinion; some people prefer buying cheap water-added pre-pack "product", others prefer to pay a little more to buy proper meat from a local butcher. There is no "right" or "wrong" answer, it just comes down to individual choice.
The answer to (2) is not really a matter of opinion, and the planning process is only about (2).
The site is too small for the proposed store. It doesn't matter whether it is a Tesco or an Asda or whatever, the site just isn't big enough for such a big store.
(2) can be dealt with by building a smaller store, perhaps around half the size they currently propose, which would the old infirmary could be restored as part of the scheme.
The problem (from Tesco's point of view) is that a smaller store wouldn't be as profitable.
It's sad that Bowketts did't invest more in the 1990s. Their current location is too cramped and delivery access for HGVs is dreadful. Surely they could have opened something like the Bromyad Co-op, in Tenbury, in about 1998, and given the town a 'proper' supermarket all those years ago, which would now make Tenbury less attractive to Tesco.
If you look at what Harry Tuffins have done since 1998 you can see how Bowketts has lagged behind, to the detriment of Tenbury Wells.
In recent years Tesco has opened in Ludlow, so has Tuffins and so has Aldi. Where was the comparable investment in Tenbury?
Unlike many of England's market towns, Tenbury Wells has not been unduly spoilt by obstrusive and unsympathetic town-centre development on a grand scale. The main street may not have entirely escaped unaltered, and a few of the old buildings have indeed given way to modern replacements, while others have undergone various degrees of cosmetic surgery. But on the whole the architectural character of the town has managed to survive.
XXXXXXXXXX you are just thinkinking yourself spar is a just a convience store do u do all your shopping in town that you tesno think about is yourselves xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx you are nothing but a selfish pensioners are being ripped of by you and other stores tesco will create a better standards are living xxxxxxxxxx
XXXXXXXXXX dont stop confusing people u do not live in tenbury why do u say our town true tenburians want change they do know when they are being ripped off when people go to look at plans when you bunch off tossers try to put them off i think there is a law against it. xxxxxxxxxx how spar are acting it is nothing but a ploy to keep prices high in tenbury you and your idiot manager should get to grips spar is finnish because you over charged everyone in skyhigh prices lower your prices and you might win your case
Sorry for the long delays in moderation this weekend.
A law against what? Objecting to something? Well lock over 500+ people up then.
yes it would be a good idea if they demolished tenbury so we could get in to the year 2010.
spar shop is great when i need milk cause i av run out at 10.30 on a sunday night and theres nowhere else to go
Who sells stale food?
heres an idea get rid of spar
aND TENBURY would be better
at the demo
the protesters were saying tesco lorries would damage the bridge spar lorries are doing the same
Ok, lets carry on... To date we've identified Hucknall, Stalham and Galshiels as small towns that have found their highstreets dying-off after Tesco arrived..
Let's throw a few others into the pot then..
Lanark, South Lanarkshire
“This is the end of our High Street. Tesco killed off Lanark and it will do the same here. The site is about a mile from the town centre and shoppers will simply drive there, stock up, and drive home.”
Carluke housewife Mary Stevenson agreed, saying: "I shop at Tesco in Lanark or Wishaw just now. I drive there and drive back and never venture into the ‘real’ shops. I suspect when this [new] one opens I'll simply do more shopping there rather than top-up in High Street.”
Leicester City Centre
"A Tesco recently opened in Granby Street and the business people are crying over there." Hari Dhiman, of Supersaver Discount, in nearby Highfield Street, said: "They will wipe us all out. There is nothing we can do. We can not compete with Tesco.
"It has caused enough damage already in the city, what more does it want us to do – to roll over and give it our shops?"
Long Eaton, Derbyshire
Barry Chapman runs Chapman's Family Bakers market stall. He trades in Long Eaton, Ilkeston and Heanor – all have a Tesco store of some size.
Mr Chapman said: "The stores have had a very detrimental impact on me. The only way we can combat it is by cutting margins and taking less profit. I have reduced staff in the past year from 15 to seven.
Hucknell - Superstore
Stalham - Superstore
Lanark - Superstore
Galashiels - Extra
The only smaller format stores mentioned are Leicester & Long Eaton and the competition is saying, Tesco is going to hurt us because we charge much higher prices and customers want to buy more cheaply.
This is competition and part of the normal retailing circle of life.
We could all choose to buy from Ludlow Food Hall or even Harrods Food Hall, but the simple fact of life is most of couldn't afford to shop that way.
Tesco or similar will allow those that choose (or have no option) to buy cheaply, and those who can afford to buy better quality can continue to support the independent retailers.
Isnt Tenbury only a small town .So putting a 15,000 sq ft store which is more than double the retail space of the other retailers put together fair competition ,i think NOT
Wr15 there is competition and unhealthy competition. Tesco will do everything to make everything in town that competes with them to close. So then they can raise their prices.
Ok, let's take Long Eaton.. That's where I hail from originally before moving to Tenbury/Burford 9 or so years ago. I go there regularly still though.
Before Tesco arrived the high street was a thriving mix of bespoke and small chain shops - bigger than but not that dissimilar to Tenbury's high st. The centre of town was prosperous - everyone knew it.
When Tesco arrived the high st shops began a slow but constant decline. The shoppers left the high street, shops started to close, jobs were lost and shop vacancies were filled by the ubiquitous charity shops.
The high street became a ghost town [and still is] within about a period of a year. Few people then bothered to go into the high st even though the Tesco was at the back of it - they wanted to get their goods from Tesco and get home.. Locals still wonder what happened even now as it was such a seismic shift..
Consign Tenbury to this if you wish but don't say that the warnings weren't aired..
"Tesco will do everything to make everything in town that competes with them to close. So then they can raise their prices."
I simply don't believe this comment. Someone keeps making the same comment on every blog post but can never offer anything by way of proof.
I doubt you will find national pricing in Spar or Nisa, but you will in Tesco.
Tesco Extra Long Eaton 108,000 sq ft store. Hardly a like for like comparison!
lol @ granby street.
It's a city centre location with only niche shops and takeaways in the vicinity, probably placed for the student trade.
I'm from leicester, I work in leicester but live in Tenbury, leicester has more out of town shopping centres than you can shake a stick at, this is just a few jumping on the anti Tesco media band wagon.
Hucknall, Long Eaton, Lanark, Stalham, Galashiels..
The underlying and undeniable trends are that:
• All were descended on by Tesco.
• All had their high streets collapse as a result and small shops close as shoppers polarised towards the supermarket in the town as opposed to the high street.
Hucknall, Long Eaton, Lanark, Stalham, Galashiels..
The underlying and undeniable trends are that:
They are very very large stores.
lorries over the bridge is no argument
remember bistos lorries
all the bowketts meat lorries years ago
the cattle lorries going into the auction yard
TESNO give up you are barking up the wrong tree
yescos for tescos we are coming
Large tesco or medium size tesco. It still destroys the town.
Wr15 from previous posts awhile ago you were very much against tesco. Why all of sudden the change of heart. And how are you getting press releases and plans before the press and everyone else.
I got one question for you.
How much is tesco paying you?
So tesco make 30 staff redundant in Tenbury before having plans approved. Wow tesco really cares
180 jobs down to 150.
But this is still an unrealistic figure.
"Large tesco or medium size tesco. It still destroys the town."
I disagree, size is important.
"Wr15 from previous posts awhile ago you were very much against tesco. Why all of sudden the change of heart."
I still think that a large out of town store would be detrimental to the towns traders. I believe that a small (by supermarket standards) store in town is beneficial.
"And how are you getting press releases and plans before the press and everyone else."
I'm not, I just react faster than the traditional press.
"How much is tesco paying you?"
I set up the Tenbury Blog so that anyone could comment on local events.
Writing to newspapers is rather slow, and there is no guarantee of publication. Addressing the Town Council is just that, and there is no two way discussion.
When Tesco put in a planning application I decided to set up NoTenburyTesco and YesTenburyTesco so that in-depth discussion could take place. To make sure it wasn't just my views prevailing I offered the editorial & moderation facilities to other people.
The No group accepted this, but the Yes group elected to stay on facebook.
If you read my submission to MHDC you will see that I made a detailed and technical objection to the first Tesco application.
I do blog comments which are contrary to the No Tesco group. I am not anti Tesco. I think some of the comments lodged by objectors are incorrect and if they weren't anonymous they would possibly be actionable. I try to balance these out as it's my blog and therefore potentially my head on the block!
Tesco's PR company identified the Tenbury Blog as a valuable source of local news so send me press releases, which is how I get the information.
The Tenbury Blog is read by many people including the local MP, County, District & Town Cllrs, so I try to publish all but the most "legally challenging" comments.
Has the application been validated?
Yes 10/01276/FUL
Full details NOT yet on MHDC website
Great, at least folks will be able to complain formally to MHDC from here on in then..
Let's see if we can build on 500+ formal planning complaints then.. Ding, ding - round 2!
Just a reminder that we cannot reproduce copyrighted material unless you own the copyright and can provide the necessary proof.
To all you Yesco people get ready for ANOTHER NoGO.
The yesco people are already celebrating? It aunt over til the fat lady sings.
Come on tesno people.
"It's sad that Bowketts did't invest more in the 1990s. Their current location is too cramped and delivery access for HGVs is dreadful. Surely they could have opened something like the Bromyad Co-op, in Tenbury, in about 1998, and given the town a 'proper' supermarket all those years ago, which would now make Tenbury less attractive to Tesco.
If you look at what Harry Tuffins have done since 1998 you can see how Bowketts has lagged behind, to the detriment of Tenbury Wells.
In recent years Tesco has opened in Ludlow, so has Tuffins and so has Aldi. Where was the comparable investment in Tenbury?"
I wonder if Bowketts ever had the opportunity to develop the cattle market site?
Bowketts made enquiries about developing the site, but were told that they wouldn't get permission to demolish the infirmary. They calculated that on that basis the site would be uneconomical to develop. They no longer have any interest in developing the site, even if it became available.
at 7 am this morning there was a 40 ft lorry at spar that causes no problems to the bridge why do the tesnos say tesco lorries will damage the bridge they have definity lost the argument
It's not that because it's tesco it's the ADDITIONAL lorries that will be going over
Does seem strange that the traffic survey recorded up to 23 HGVs per hour, but TesNO think Tesco's 2 or 3 a day will be a problem!
Another traffic survey needs to be done ,those figures seem a little wrong.
Bumblebee of the 500 last time how many were true planning objections and how many were just letters of opinion?
I'm guessing there were no more than a handful (less than 12) that were valid planning objections.
"Bowketts made enquiries about developing the site, but were told that they wouldn't get permission to demolish the infirmary. They calculated that on that basis the site would be uneconomical to develop. They no longer have any interest in developing the site, even if it became available."
You are very well informed @WR15?
Just in the right place at the right time for once.
stourport just got granted a tesco by wyre forrest council
quote from council
" A town of this size needs a healthy competition in its supermarket provision."
i think that will be the same as here in tenbury
spar prepared to be in the real world if you in business and dont like competion get out easy as that some one will move into your store farmfoods would be nice
I think people in Tenbury forget that Spar does a lot for charity and the community. They raised over £4,000 for the NSPCC last year. And I remember a few years back the Blakemore Foundation donated over £2,000 to The Regal.
Blakemore Foundation which is run by AF Blakemore which if you lot do your homework is SPAR!!
Now do you want to lose a store that does alot for the community and charity to a store that closes down stores and only think of themselves and not put back into the community?
Your choice
I thought Tates Ltd run the Tenbury Spar, or do Blakemores own Tates?
Tates have 210 stores. Was the £4000 just Tenbury Spar or across all 210 stores?
In the year ended February 2009, the Tesco Charity Trust made cash grants of £1899137 to local, national and international charities, plus each store raises money for local charities.
The £4,000+ was just Tenbury alone.
Tates is part of AF Blakemore. Like I said if you do your homework you'll notice that.
The figure you shown about Tesco is not one particular store but a Tesco as a whole.
Oh and if I'm correct when I was last in Tenbury Spar I saw a sign saying SPAR raised over £2 Mil for the NSPCC in the 2 years they have been with them.
So A F Blakemore Ltd supply stores in a zone known as the Central Meridian Guild. This covers a stretch of land from North Wales to East Anglia, but they don't "own" Spar, but they do own Tates Ltd, which run 220 stores.
Do you think if Spar wasn't in Tenbury they would of stumped up the cash for The Regal?
No of course not AF Blakemore may not OWN Spar but its what they run under. They care about the community.
Peter Blakemore was named West Midlands Ambassador by Prince William Himself
(delete link if you don't want to put it in)
This for all the work he does for communities.
Spar staff in those communities give up their time for no extra cost to help out and show how they care.
I've got nothing against Spar,(I shop there quite often) and I'm sure the Staff at all the stores do a magnificent job fundraising, (a member of my family worked at Spar for a while) but as far as I know, this is also the case with all the major supermarkets and most major companies these days.
Don't suppose they have any more money in the kitty as the Regal needs a new projector!
Write to the Blakemore foundation ,you may be lucky.
Wow! A huge amount given to charity by Tesco ,divide that by
is it 62 billion ,pittance i say.
Lummee, I'm a bit behind on this thread..
In response to Mr Longbeard, my understanding of the 500 objections was as follows..
Many were local and many were from people who shopped locally and were concerned about Tesco taking over Tenbury High st trade etc. A box with 500 objections was taken from Tenbury to MHDC by a 'TesNO' member - I saw the box.
In terms of the nature of these complaints.. I know that the majority were written against many of the planning criteria and not just "I don't want a Tesco". Some of these were pro-forma complaint letters from the TesNO site/blog which concerned individuals would have signed & addressed. We were assured by MHDC that each one of these pro-formas would be treated as a separate written complaint. If you were to look at the application last time on the MHDC planning site though these latter complaints were all included in either one or two large .pdf's.
The rest of the letters on the site included [given the above .pdf's] up to 600 written objections using planning criteria either in whole or part.
There were of course some too that simply said "I don't want a Tesco" as well as "I want a Tesco" but few of these latter ones discussed their wants against planning lines as I recall.
As USUAL, Tesco is enbroiled in dozens of planning disputs around the UK - but even when they do get planning prmission, Tesco chefs just can't resist taking that little bit more.
When Shrewsbury's gigantic Tesco Extra was given the go - ahead after a planning inquiry in 2004 it was on the strict condition that it would only devote a limited area of floorspace to non - grocery good's - clothing, house hold items etc - in order to protect the small shops in the town centre loop. To the fury of local shopkeepers, however, checks have revealed that the shop has been in breach of this condition even since opening in 2007. Tesco says that the error was inadvertent - but it has now applied to vary the condition in order to use more space for non - grocery items anyway! This means a reported 2.5 million pounds has been sucked out of Shrewsbury town centre.
why dont you all admit it tescos is coming and that is that.and all we need now is the cheaper petrol station we need .
Tesco is nit coming they won't get permission to knock down the infirmary. They lied about amount of lorries. And a cheaper petrol station? Do you actually know how much the garage makes on fuel? Of course you don't a big percentage goes to the government and that being a independently owned garage the actual owner gets the smallest cut because the fuel provider takes a big chunk out of the profits too. So yet again people wats peoples livelihoods ruined. People trying to provide for a family.
I am told... so don't blame me (more than usual) if its wrong, but the fuel supplier to the Swan Garage (Texaco I think) anyway, Texaco set the price at each station they supply according to the competition locally so if there was another filling station, Swan Garage would still be paid the same per litre (but of course might well be selling less fuel)
Whilst I fully accept that the owners of the Swan Garage are trying to provide for their family, so am I and I save over £20 if I fill up in Malvern rather than Tenbury. Not worth a special journey, but worth doing if I'm there anyway.
Fuel is only ever going to go up in price. The price in Tenbury isn't that bad you ever been down south where the prices are higher? If people want cheap fuel go up north. The farther north you go the cheaper (as you get closer to the north sea oil rigs)
father north u go because of north sea oil it cheaper what a load of nonsence
Prices for Petrol today at various locations.
Tenbury 122.9
Knighton 120.0
Redhill Surrey 116.9
Penzance 115.9
Truro 114.9
Brighton 114.9
Edinburgh 113.9
Leeds 113.9
Manchester 112.9
Bromley (Kent) 112.9
TESNO latest CAMPAIGN is full of scaremongering nothing to do with planning issues
Ludlow is still open and doing well
there is a tesco up in whitchurch north shropshire and still alot of independent shops a lidl and co-op there to and butcher shops
or is the real reason why bowketts and spar are against they can keep their prices artifically high
When i am in bowketts doing my bits and peices of shopping that all you see staff on the shop floor chatting with the supervisors to.
they will not even move for you maybe the resession will change that
When i go into spar the manager seems to be out of touch with his so call deputy
Tesco is coming and it will bring a breath of fresh air into the town
A WORD OF ADVICE FOR BOWKETTS AND SPAR welcome to the real world lower your prices and compete
I guess Bowketts have 5 million reasons not to want Tesco & Spar have another 2.5 million reasons!
Suspect the above is probably a spoof entry.
I think there is a difference between ripping people off and not being able to price match Asda, Tesco etc.
Bowketts are significantly more expensive than the big four, but probably on par with Spar and other local supermarkets.
"TESNO latest CAMPAIGN is full of scaremongering nothing to do with planning issues
Ludlow is still open and doing well"
I realise this site is for people who hide behind "Anonymous" just like I am about to do but this latest comment and the grammer, locations you describe, butchers and local businesses has just given away your identity to me - tut tut - hilarious - can't wait for your reply. Incidentally this is not personal (just in case you can guess who I am and the expected bilge of response follows)I think I even know what you are going to say next! Please try not to blow a fuse and consider your delivery..
Fuel Prices TODAY!!
Tenbury Wells - 121.9
Bromyard - 124.9
Ludlow - 121.9
Hereford - 123.9
Worcester - 125.9
Malvern - 125.9
Leominster - 121.9
Kidderminster 119.9
All of these taken from http://www.petrolprices.com
Out of the 3 options of prices they give you I chose the highest priced one. STILL THINK TENBURY IS DEAR??
Tenbury is 2nd CHEAPEST IF YOU READ.
I done this because I noticed WR15 was biased and only chose places FAR AWAY from Tenbury to compare with each other.
Now lets look at NORTH
Manchester 123.9
Liverpool - 124.9
Newcastle - 118.9
Aberdeen - 119.9
Hull - 120.0 (prob 119.9)
How bout rest of country
London - 120.9
Oxford - 120.9
Reading - 125.9
Exeter - 124.9
Felixstowe - 118.9
Ipswich - 120.9
I know where i'd go in this area. YES TENBURY. One of the cheapest.
Remember all prices are from
I'm a bit confused.
There is only one price for Tenbury, because there is no competition, but why if you are in Bromyard were you have a choice would you choose to go to the most expensive one? £124.1 when you could go to the cheapest one £119.9.
You quote Malvern as £125.9 but I'm looking at the same website and it says £118.9.
I haven't checked them all, but I really don't get your point.
I did not say I would choose the dearest. I said I took the price from the highest box on ALL TO KEEP IT FAIR So people can't say You fixed it
I see, the highest box not the highest price.
In other words the most centrally located supplier, not those slightly out of town like supermarkets.
I accept that Tenbury might be cheaper than the most central/expensive supplier in other areas, but it is more expensive than the cheapest.
after today we do need a tesco in tenbury bowketts was completly useless didnt have what i wanted so went to spar and they charged the earth so wont be shopping there again so tenbury council let tesco build it will bebefit the town even if you councilers think it will destroy the town
If its that bad in Tenbury shopping use the internet ,click click done!
Tenbury Town Council have proposed that the current Tesco planning application be accepted. (Subject to a few minor points)
The vote was
7 For
1 Against
4 Abstentions
Whilst they are not the planning authority, their proposal will be added to the overall planning application to be considered by MHDC.
Come on all you Tenbury people save our town and say NO TO ANOTHER TESCO TOWN.
Come on MHDC please dont allow this to happen to our special town say no to a supermarket .
tesco 1 tesno 0
@WR15 - Was there a local council meeting on 25th October? Was that when the vote was taken and what were the minor points?
Can't remember
how many protesters were at the council meeting?
the TESCO open day was confronted by 30+ protesters
Two people were in the public gallery (OK the seats at the back) and I was one of them.
Am I correct in my understanding that if MHDC pass the planning application they can negotiate additional requirements under a Section 106 agreement, but if they turn it down and Tesco subsequently appeal and win then NO S106 money would be payable?
How is ot tesco 1 - 0 tesno wen tesno won the first battle and this battle still going. Someone doesn't know their scoring
There is no proposal for a Tesco petrol station, so why all the talk about petrol prices?
If you read the full thread you will see, but...
Some people say we don't need Tesco because you can buy all you want in Tenbury, others will tell you that the same basket of food will be cheaper in Tesco.
It's the same for Petrol. As there is no competition locally the fuel price in Tenbury is much higher than places with competition.
So even if we get Tesco, we still won't get cheaper fuel, unless the Tesco express planned for the housing development in Burford also has a filing station attached...... but that is still years away.
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