Pirouetting Truck Avoids the Teme
A Kingsmill delivery truck on route to the Spar supermarket narrowly missed a dip in the Teme at Tenbury Wells this morning.
Whilst turning in the old cattle market site, the lorry skidded on ice and slid through the boundary fence and partly demolished a wall.
The truck stopped short of the railings, Luckily no one was hurt.
And this is the designated HGV turning area while the bridge is closed!
and this could have been tesco in the car park where their deliveries have to go through. There could also have been children in the car park when it happened.
I rather expect Tesco will have drainage, but if you apply your logic it could have been outside any shop anywhere! Funny, on one strand of this blog people don't think the dump should not be moved even though people, cars & reversing lorries mix in close proximity, yet lorries driving forward through a Tesco car park is a major risk.
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