When you click on the advert you are taken to a page which gives a brief outline of Tenbury and offers links to accommodation, which if you select Hotel Accommodation it then tells you
Sorry, we do not have any establishments in this category.Try changing the search criteria you have entered, and searching again.
The other categories do list something, but nothing local.
In otherwords, don't stay here try somewhere else instead!
It also lists attractions, but fails to mention any local attraction, such as the Pump Rooms, the Museum, the Art Trail, the Blue Plaque Trail etc, but instead takes you to Great Witley.
If you dig a little deeper it does tell you there is a Tourist Information Office in Tenbury, but links you to a general page on the MHDC website.
The local website might be woefully out of date, but does at least list local accommodation.
That'll be why there were no tourists in Tenbury this August. Who is responsible for this?
The website is part of Destination Worcestershire, although it has a contact address at County Hall, it is run as a business enterprise with Members and a Board.
You can read of its aims at
Tenbury hotel membership of Destination Worcestershire is quoted at between £235 and £1190 depending on basic, standard or premium rates.
Visit Worcestershire.org uses other government websites like “What’s on Worcestershire” set up to promote the arts, for some of its content.
This is why you can find information on films at the Regal but not on local hotels.
The link for the Tourist Information Office in Tenbury which takes you to Malvern, clearly needs amending to http://www.tenburywells.info/
I'm told they wont link to the local tourism website as it contains links to accommodation that falls below the required standard.
Looks like Tenbury's lost out.. At such a crucial time too over the summer season - and on a promotional medium nearly everyone uses to 'look before they buy'. Maybe the people [from County Hall?] responsible for helping to promote Tenbury's Tourism haven't even been here recently [it doesn't sound like they have]? Budget cuts I wouldn't wonder or some equally convenient reasoning..
why do people want to stop in tenbury any way there is nothing to do.shops are closed and cafes to.tenbury is a waste of time.
There is lots to do in Tenbury, it's just not very well advertised. There are also numerous cafes and restaurants and 12 licensed premises so no one should go thirsty.
Cup of tea on a Sunday afternoon?
How late?
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