Saturday, 24 January 2009

Support for a minority sport?

Why do the Town Council spend so much money each year on maintaining a facility used by so few.

I have nothing against Bowling and I will be the first to admit that I do not know all the details, but the basic information and sums just do not seem to add-up, and the amounts being spent seem to be a 'hot topic' around Town.

The purpose of a Town Council is to raise a precept and provide services and facilities for the public. Perhaps we cannot expect these services and facilities to be run on a commercial basis to make a profit or to break even, but at what point does the cost of a facility used by a small minority become unacceptable?

A Bowling Green specialist surveyor was summoned (at great expense) from Yorkshire, to tell the TC that the problem with the green was root invasion from nearby Poplar Trees, the wrong sort of grass and too much rolling.

Each year, thousands of pounds are lavished on the facility, whilst the income it generates is marginal.

Now we hear that many hundreds of pounds are to be spent felling the poplar trees, and that new edging is required, again costing over a thousand pounds.

Felling the trees, is likely to make matters worse in the short term, as the roots which run close to the surface shrink and cause yet more disruption to the playing surface. Next we will hear that the surface is to be dug up and relaid with new soil and turf!

Whilst all this is happening on the Bowling Green, the Regal continues it's downwards slide. If you are unlucky enough to be sitting in the wrong place at the wrong time during a performance you are likely to get wet due to a hole in the roof. Lottery funding is being sought, (but not guaranteed) and the Town Council will need to make a certain contribution by way of match funding, which can be work already undertaken.


Anonymous said...

This makes no sense. I know about trees. And lawns. If they'd asked I could have told them for nothing. I could even cut them down. I hope that job at least will go out for tender.

@WR15 said...

I believe that the Tree Surgery has been out to tender. Not sure if contractor has been selected as this is done in Private Session.

Anonymous said...

It seems that most decisions are taken in Private Session

Anonymous said...

So how do they put things out to tender? How are people meant to know there is a job to tender for?

@WR15 said...

As far as I know, Parish & Town Councils don't have to prove "Best Value" in the same way as District & County Councils. They can write to a few companies to invite tenders rather than advertise for companies to tender.

InkyRacing877 said...

I think they would be much more better off supporting my Youth Darts Academy project. For the plain and simple fact that darts teaches good numeracy and it will get kids off the streets and into a safe, friendly enviroment.

Anonymous said...

Only tonight whilst watching James May on TV, I thought "it's years since I last played darts". Then I remembered why. My mental arithmetic is *ra*, and using a calculator just doesn't seem right.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Keith Griffiths, when he was a Councillor, say that the Regal's roof would want work?